May 2016 Newsletter

Meet Carnel St. Louis – 2016 Tour Coordinator

After complications arose with our previous 2016 tour coordinator, Rock the Earth is thrilled (and we mean thrilled) to announce that Carnel St. Louis has signed on to lead this summer’s national tour. Carnel is an alumnus of Rutgers University (Environmental Policy, Institutions and Behavior) and is interested in the ways that communication can influence [...]

2016-06-01T11:37:42-06:00June 1st, 2016|

Rock the Earth Helps Cloud 9 Sail to Smoother Waters

Since 2006, Rock the Earth has been advocating for the cruise ship industry to clean up their act.  As massive polluters of our oceans and the atmosphere, we found out first-hand the impact that cruise ships have through our work on Cloud 9’s Jam Cruise in 2006 and 2007.  As we tried to “green” these [...]

2016-06-01T11:38:05-06:00June 1st, 2016|

Update: Indian Point

Rock the Earth Regional Volunteer Coordinator (NYC) Kevin O’Donohue attended the Safe Energy Summit in Stony Point, NY, April 29 - May 1. At the summit were representatives from many different organizations sharing ideas and brainstorming on ways to close Indian Point Energy Center.  Indian Point Energy Center is a nuclear power plant located 25 [...]

2021-02-09T23:50:56-07:00June 1st, 2016|

Key of Green

By: Carnel St. Louis As the tour coordinator for Rock the Earth this summer, one of my concerns was figuring out a way of lessening the impact my crew and I would have while traveling on the road. Between driving, camping, attending festivals with thousands of people, and taking care of ourselves, there are quite [...]

2016-06-01T11:39:52-06:00June 1st, 2016|

Volunteer Jam

Volunteer Jam provides an outlet to thank non-staff volunteers and supporters who have rocked it big time during the past month, and who have gone above and beyond in generous support of the Rock the Earth cause. We want to sincerely thank each of you for giving so generously of your time, and applaud you [...]

2016-06-02T10:31:21-06:00June 1st, 2016|
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