In the November edition of Rock the Earth Notes, we noted that the parties who entered into a historic settlement in 2014 to protect the vast majority of Colorado’s Roan Plateau were awaiting the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to issue a highly-anticipated draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). The draft SEIS would lay out options for the agency going forward in light of the settlement and the 2012 Federal Court decision overturning BLM’s initial plan for the Roan.

In December, the BLM finally issued the draft SEIS, in which the agency’s “Preferred Alternative” is the “Settlement Alternative” for which both the conservation community and the drilling company have been advocating.

We NEED YOUR HELP! Let BLM know that you support the following:

– The new plan does not protect the stunning wilderness-quality lands on the Roan. BLM should protect ALL lands with wilderness characteristics, including places like the rugged Southeast Cliffs, and the well-known Anvil Points.

– The final plan should document that all of the streams, which are eligible for designation as Wild and Scenic Rivers, are suitable for that designation. This includes Parachute Creek and Trapper Creek, which provide important habitat for Colorado River cutthroat trout, as well as other ecological and scenic values. Suitability determinations are critical to protect the extremely valuable water resources on the Roan Plateau.We support BLM canceling the leases as agreed to in the 2014 settlement.

– The draft plan is available online at:

Comments must be received by February 18, 2016, and may be sent to:

Email:; Fax: 970-876-9090

For the latest on this project or for additional background, visit the Rock the Earth Roan Plateau Project Page.