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Every summer, Rock the Earth sends a team of spirited advocates on the road to partner with dozens of music artists around the country with the goal of educating fans about pressing environmental issues. This year, the Summer Touring team will rest a little easier, thanks to sweet product donations from Colorado-based gear sponsor Big Agnes. Big Agnes has generously donated a tent, sleeping bags, pads and head gear to Rock the Earth. Indeed, Big Agnes is the “Mother of Comfort!”

Rock the Earth’s Summer Tour and Colorado teams will also be sporting solar power gear, courtesy of BioLiteEnergy. BioLite Energy was founded by socially conscious designer and engineers, working to bring clean electricity and light to every corner of the world. This year our Rock the Earth team will sport solar-powered lights and cell-phone charging stations. BioLites products include portable solar panels that can store energy for later use, light and power systems, and wood-burning stoves. It will be our privilege to educate fans of music and the environment about this amazing sustainable technology!