Each year Americans throw out over 3 million tons of electronics, in turn sending tons of toxic materials to landfills. Cell phones contain lead, nickel, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and zinc, all of which are known carcinogens – many linked to birth defects. When sent to landfills, these substances threaten precious drinking water supplies. In fact, there are over one billion out-of-use cell phones in the U.S. alone, but less than 10% ever get recycled. The rest are sitting in junk drawers, toy boxes, or end up in our landfills or other environmentally unsound destinations.
Please join with 15-time Grammy winner Alicia Keys, and 13-time Grammy nominee Katie Perry, in spreading the word about Rock the Earth’s online Mobile Phone & Tablet Recycling Campaign at www.rtephonedrive.com. Tell all of your friends and family that they can now recycle their phones, tablets and USB-based wifi/mifi units from the comfort of their own homes. With free shipping, it is a quick and simple way to recycle your old phones, tablets and WiFi cards while supporting Rock the Earth’s goal to recycle 1,000 unwanted mobile devices this year. It’s an ambitious goal, and we need everyone’s help!