Volunteer Jam:
Volunteer Jam provides an outlet to thank non-staff volunteers and supporters who have rocked it big time during the past month, and who have gone above and beyond in generous support of the Rock the Earth cause.
We want to sincerely thank each of you for giving so generously of your time, and applaud you for your contributions: Mark Berger, Kelly Horan, Dan Heimbrock, Lisa Shara, Jillian Spratt, Lorena Rovero, Lauren Hillman, Steven McConnell, Tony Schwartz, Kimberly Beck, Alexandra Noel, Andrew Dudash, Cassie Blaza, Eli Biagi-Lee, Elias Makrides, Feather Groves, George Jenkin, Ian Knoop, James Enthoven, Jill McPhee, Jordyn Walker, Kaiya Gates, Kevin O’Donohue, Maggie Brownson, Matt Khela, Melanie Horton, River Hooks, Shannon Dale, Tulsi Von, and Victoria Stellato.
Volunteer Highlight:
– Name: Brian Patterson
– Age: 26
– City: Chicago
– Volunteer since: May 2014
– How did you first hear about Rock the Earth?
John Butler Trio rolled thru Chicago last spring and I slacked on getting tickets. A friend of mine told me there might be an opportunity to see the show if I volunteered with Rock the Earth. I looked into the organization and decided it was definitely something I wanted to support!
– What has been your most memorable moment with Rock the Earth?
My most memorable moment was the feeling I had after my first weekend of shows acting as the Chicago lead. We gained six new memberships during Joe Russo’s Almost Dead two-night run! To know that hundreds of dollars were raised for the Earth thanks to the efforts of myself and my team was a very rewarding feeling. It’s a feeling I continue to chase at every concert working with Rock the Earth volunteers!
– What do you do when you are not volunteering with Rock the Earth?
I thrive on live music. I work and play in the music industry. I love to travel and do it as often as possible, working music festivals across the country.
– Who is you favorite band or musician?
My favorite band would have to be The String Cheese Incident, who happen to be longtime supporters of Rock the Earth. I was lucky enough to win one of Rock the Earth’s Facebook contests and got guest listed to one of their New Year’s shows in Colorado! Great experience!
– What environmental issue is most important to you in 2015?
The Western world consumes resources at an alarming rate. At this point we are borrowing from future generations. I think we need to be promoting self-sustainable/permaculture living. This will not only reduce overall consumption, it will also promote responsible consumption that will be beneficial to our planet’s future.
– You’re from Chicago, so I have one last question for you: Chicago deep dish or Chicago style hotdogs?
Deep dish… I told you, I LOVE CHEESE!